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Summer School: Revision & Catch up session for elementray & secondary level students

Revision Session DUring Summer

Make the most of our personalized tutoring services, carefully tailored to suit the unique needs of each student. Our experienced tutors are dedicated to helping students from all levels, whether they're in elementary, secondary, or even pursuing career opportunities & development!.


With a wide range of subjects covered, including Math, Sciences, Languages, and more, we ensure that each student receives the individual attention they deserve to excel in their studies.


Our personalized approach means that your child will receive one-on-one tutoring sessions that address their specific challenges and learning style. Whether your child is struggling with a particular subject, needs help with homework, or is preparing for exams, our tutors will provide the guidance and support needed to achieve academic success.


At Services Tutorat, we believe that education is a journey, and we're here to help students navigate that journey with confidence and success. With our dedicated team of qualified tutors and our commitment to personalized learning, we're here to make a positive impact on your child's academic journey.

Summer School: For Who? 

Students who failed a class or a few

Students Who Barely Made it Through a Class & Want to Catch up

Students Who Want to Dive Deeper in the Subject & Get a Step Ahead for The Following Year

Évaluation des élèves

Conformité au Curriculum Québécois :

Nos évaluations sont soigneusement élaborées pour refléter les standards du programme d'éducation québécois, assurant une évaluation pertinente et précise dans la matière spécifique choisie.


Diagnostic Précis :

Nous identifions les forces et les axes d'amélioration de votre enfant dans la matière choisie, permettant des interventions ciblées pour un soutien efficace.

Renforcement de la Confiance dans la Matière :

En valorisant les réussites et en reconnaissant les efforts, nous aidons votre enfant à développer une confiance en ses capacités académiques dans la matière de son choix.



Distance Learning

How Does Revision Session Works


Fill in the Short Form & Register


We Match You with a Specialized Tutor For the Level & Subject you Would Like


Plan & Start Your Session

Remote Learning

"Maude is an excellent tutor; she consistently maintains a professional attitude and provides us with thorough updates regularly. Sincerely."

Teacher and Student

" We started tutoring sessions for our daughter Emma a few months ago. She had enormous difficulties with her french grammar. After the first 4 sessions, we already saw a big improvement and Emma is much more motivated. Thank you!"

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