Our Tutors
For private tutoring to be effective, it's essential that a strong bond exists between the student and their specialized tutor. This bond may take a few sessions to fully develop and will depend on various factors. However, it will be facilitated by open communication between the tutor and the student, as well as the tutor's expertise in the subject matter
Selection Process
CV Analysis & References Check
HR Interview
Aptitude & Personality Tests
Interview with Academic Advisor
Why Parents Love Our Tutors
Each student is unique, varying in their learning and concentration capabilities, as well as their level of willingness and motivation for studies. Therefore, the tutor must tailor their teaching and learning methods to suit each individual student
Mastery of the Subject Matter
To effectively support the student, it's imperative for the tutor to have a strong command of the subject in which the student is struggling. Additionally, they should be capable of addressing the student's questions effectively, aligning with the expectations set by the teacher.
It's crucial for the tutor to be receptive to the student's fears and concerns. Their role isn't to judge the student but rather to collaborate and guide them towards academic success
Communication Skills
Whether through verbal or nonverbal means, the tutor must have the ability to simplify and convey course concepts to the student in a clear and concise manner.
Our Tutors:
Are specialized in the subject matter they teach
Have experience in private tutoring
Master the curriculum
Adapt their methods according to their student's strengths and weaknesses
Are professional and friendly, ensuring a quality service
Are dedicated to the development and academic progress of your children